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栏目: 明星 / 发布于: / 人气:2.89W

Recently, Chinese actress Zhang Zifeng shared on social media her excitement upon seeing a cup of bubble tea. She posted a photo of her holding the drink, with a caption that reads, "I saw this cup of pearl milk tea in the afternoon and I felt like I had found a treasure. I really like pearl milk tea!" The post quickly went viral, with many people relating to her love for the Taiwanese drink. Zhang's post is a reminder that even the smallest things in life can bring us joy, and we should embrace the things that make us happy.



Zhang's love for bubble tea was also acknowledged by her teacher, television host He Jiong. He reposted her photo and added a heartwarming message, saying, "When you see something you love, the whole world becomes a little clearer. Continue to find more happiness in everyday life." This message garnered a lot of attention and praise from netizens, with many commending He for his kind words and support for his student.

张子枫看到珍珠奶茶像发现宝藏,何炅老师一句话十分暖心 第2张


Zhang's post and He's response remind us that the simple things in life can bring us the most happiness. Whether it's a cup of bubble tea, a beautiful sunset, or spending time with loved ones, we should cherish and appreciate the little things in life. In a world that can often be stressful and overwhelming, finding joy in the small things can make a huge difference in our mental health and wellbeing. So, let's all take a cue from Zhang and embrace the simple joys in life.

娱乐圈老好人何炅翻车,没想到何老师也有翻车的时候! 黑珍珠收藏价值解析 什么样的黑珍珠收藏价值高 张子枫做客蘑菇屋与黄磊“父女”相认,何炅的这一举动十分暖心 感恩老师最暖心一段话100句 珍珠如何形成 珍珠的种类有哪些珍珠有什么作用珍珠有什么功效珍珠和贝珠的区别珍珠首饰如何搭配场合珍珠如何保养关于珍珠的知识 何炅每天只睡3个小时?何炅最经典的一句话是什么? 80岁老奶奶遇人让座拍照留念 太暖心! 何炅一家三口图片 何老师究竟结婚了没老婆是谁? 珠宝如何与服装搭配 珠宝如何与环境搭配珠宝如何与发型搭配珠宝如何与脸型搭配 彭昱畅张子枫戴帽子是亲兄妹? 二人互动实在太暖心 珍珠鉴别真假 珍珠好坏鉴别 肉眼如何鉴定天然珍珠级别品质-佐卡伊珠宝百科 业务能力一流的何炅老师,歌手大赛却频频出错看他如何回应 珍珠奶茶的珍珠如何做 珍珠奶茶的珍珠是什么?营养师来告诉你 《向往的生活》节目组贴心为张子枫准备大学联考用具,妹妹看到一脸惊喜 何炅现在还是北外的老师吗 何炅是怎么走出校园当上主持人的 张子枫一席紫色碎花T恤,张子枫怎么突然变老了? 超级暖心!张子枫温柔安慰小H,粉丝都说这个女孩太温暖了吧 张子枫化身美人鱼,搭配黑裙十分高级 古今十大著名珍珠 十大著名珍珠介绍